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What Is IPL?

Individuals who are concerned about the appearance of dark spots or sun damage on their skin can be great candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at Luxx Medical Spa and Wellness Center. An IPL photofacial is a skin rejuvenation treatment for pigmentation problems on the face and neck. A member of our staff sends intense pulses of light energy to set off the natural regeneration process and boost collagen production. Over time, you should notice a healthier complexion, an improved tone, and fewer dark spots. Though a photofacial is not an invasive procedure, it can be very effective and can create impressive results for your complexion. Our Spanish Fork, UT team employs the Alma Harmony XL PRO laser to carry out IPL photofacials to remedy hyperpigmentation and vascular lesions. Schedule a skin assessment with us to determine if this option can help you achieve your skin goals.

What To Expect...


Patients notice significant complexion improvements and clarity of the skin. In a few sessions, Harmony XL PRO improves the appearance of age spots, vascular lesions (such as spider veins), rosacea, freckles, and sun damage. There is no downtime associated with a photofacial. You may leave our office with your complexion a little red and swollen. This will go away on its own in about a day, and you can mask it with makeup if you prefer. Our specialists suggest patients apply a cream on the skin's surface to minimize irritation and speed healing. It also helps to use anti-inflammatory medication to help ease swelling. Over the next several days, the sun damage and other irregularities that rested under the skin will rise to the surface and then start to flake off. It's necessary to protect your skin with sunscreen as often as possible after an IPL treatment and to not pick at the flaking skin.

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Vibrant Skin Tone

The IPL laser treatment is an effective alternative to invasive plastic surgery and can address common skin problems, such as sun damage, age spots, and discoloration, to reveal a more youthful and vibrant skin tone. We encourage you to find out more about IPL photofacial treatments by contacting our Spanish Fork, UT office and making an appointment for a skin analysis with a member of our staff. With IPL treatments at Luxx Medical Spa and Wellness Center, we can reach the deeper layers of skin to help create a clear complexion and more vibrant skin tone.




IPL Spot Treatment.....$50

Package of 3.....................$600

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